Excited about going back to Ireland this weekend! (Less excited about the fact that I can't seem to make the fonts on this blog behave; sorry about that). To mark the occasion, here are two Irish-related snippets:
Translation Workshop with Angelika Overath
28 June 2012, 9:00-12 noon
Goethe-Institut Irland, 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
in German
Admission free, please register
Tel. +353 1 7168180
gillian.pye at ucd.ie
Goethe-Institut Irland, 37 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
in German
Admission free, please register
Tel. +353 1 7168180
Angelika Overath
As part of the annual conference of Women in German Studies (WiGS)
– which is hosted by University College Dublin and the Goethe-Institut
Irland this year – there will be a translation workshop with the author
Angelika Overath. Overath, born in 1957 in Karlsruhe, is a German writer
and journalist, who lives in Switzerland. During the workshop the
participants learn in small groups how to exercise their translation
skills (German-English) using some short works by Angelika Overath.
Afterwards the translators Rachel McNicholl and Nick Johnstone will
present their own versions of two texts in the form of a
'translation-slam'. Angelika Overath will read from the original German
texts and talks about the experience of 'being translated'.
As part of the conference the authors Angelika Overath und Julya Rabinowich (from Austria) will read from their works on 28 June 2012 at 6:30 pm im Goethe-Institut.
are currently accepting articles for the forthcoming edition of
Translation Ireland, the journal of the Irish Translators' and
Interpreters' Association (ITIA). For this general issue we are
accepting articles on any topic that would be of interest to ITIA
members, particularly pieces concerning practical issues relating to the
professional activities of translators and interpreters. Contributions
may be in English or Irish and may be up to 5,000 words in length. They should be formatted according to the style guidelines available at http://bit.ly/JpeKxU. Articles which need extensive language correction and revision will not be accepted.
Articles should be submitted in their finished form by July 15th 2012.
The journal's editorial committee will consider all submissions and you
will be informed within the week following the submission deadline
whether your contribution has been accepted for publication. It is hoped
that the new issue will be ready in autumn 2012. All contributors will
receive a free copy of the journal.
All submissions and queries should be sent to the general editor of Translation Ireland, John Kearns:
kearns at pro.onet.pl.
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