Friday 6 August 2010

liaison interpreting and its pitfalls (P.S. language identification request!)

Many thanks to Alan for two nice clips that show us in very different ways how not to interpret. From an old episode of Candid Camera, a conversation between two apparently engaged people has to be conducted bilingually in English and Greek via an interpreter, and goes predictably horribly wrong:

The second video is a how-to, how-not-to educational video from a charity interpreting and translation network illustrating the pitfalls of using ad hoc interpreters (in this case a family member) vs. using a qualified and trained interpreter. The video is cut slightly short, and suffers from unfortunately cheesy introductory music, but I thought it was well made and useful.

One thing that I thought was odd in this video was that they never actually mentioned what language was being interpreted - maybe this was a strategic decision, but I am still curious. Brownie points to anyone who can confirm what language the couple and their interpreter are speaking...


Jon said...

Are the Albanian couple not speaking Albanian?

sunny south coast said...

Thanks Jon!

Note to self: don't blog late at night...