Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Dryden translation prize

Dear all,
The deadline for next year's Dryden prize for unpublished literary translations has been announced. It is 16 February. For more details of the competition see

Sebald Lecture on literary translation

That would be the gentleman with his picture just to the left, there. His feast day is 30 September, and in celebration the British Centre for Literary Translation is holding its usual annual shindig at the South Bank:

The Sebald Lecture on Literary Translation and Presentation of the Translation Prizes

Monday 29 September 2008 at 8pm

Queen Elizabeth Hall, South Bank Centre, London SW1

A Day out for Mehmet Erbil: A Tale of Translation told by Louis de Bernieres

In association with the Society of Authors and the Times Literary Supplement.

Louis de Bernieres, author of Captain Corelli's Mandolin, explores fiction as the terrain for translation between cultures, inspired by his interest in history and place, and its relationship to Englishness

6.30pm: Readings from the Translation Prizes 2008

Free admission with ticket to the Sebald Lecture

Tickets: £10

Box Office 0871 663 2500 or online from

See for more details about the Centre's activities.

EU needs native English speakers with German and French

Dear all,
The following article from the Guardian ( may be of interest. The EU is experiencing a severe shortage of native English speakers for its interpreting and translation services. Those of you with German and French, or anyone reading this blog who is interested in a career in EU translation or interpreting, take note!

call for literary translations

Dear all,
This seems like a good journal and a publication in it would look good on your CV. Anybody working in and out of English can submit - see post for details.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: eXchanges (Journal of Literary Translation, University of Iowa)

Tradition and innovation, introversion and extraversion, osmosis and photosynthesis, phylogeny and divination, family and friendship...

eXchanges, the University of Iowa's online journal of literary translation, will be accepting variations on the theme of ROOTS & BRANCHES for our fall issue until October 24, 2008. Translations of short stories, novel excerpts, literary nonfiction and poetry are all welcome, as well as critical essays on translation.

To be considered, submissions must include:
-Both the original and the translation
-Biographies and photos of both author and translator
-A short note on the process of translation
-Permission of online publication for both languages

Translated work should total no more than 10 pages and be either into or out of English. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please send both original and translation as .doc attachments to

Bowman House
230 N. Clinton St.
Iowa City, IA 52242